21.09.2022: 13th BfR User Conference Product Notifications

13th BfR User Conference Product Notifications
The 13th BfR User Conference addresses all actors of the PCN process, such as industry (legal submitters), national and regional authorities and PCs in Europe, in particular in Germany.
The conference will take place at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), lecture hall Diedersdorfer Weg 1, 12277 Berlin. Online participation will be made possible (hybrid event).
The presentations as well as livestream recordings for the event can be found further down on this website.Programme
The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is the appointed body for the receipt and processing of product notifications used in the event of emergency health response in German Poison Centres (PC).
Since 1 January 2021, the Poison Centres Notification format (PCN format), according to Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation, has been the notification format in force for the notification of products classified as hazardous on the basis of their health and physical effects, according to Article 45 of the Regulation. Information on these products needs to be submitted to the bodies appointed of the respective member states of the European Economic Area, where their market launch is intended. Based on national legislation, the BfR also handles product notifications on detergent and cleaning agents as well as industrial products not or not yet covered by the European legal provisions, respectively. The product information received is processed and eventually forwarded, by the BfR, to the seven German PC. Presenting and discussing the implementation of the PCN procedure and the experience of the parties involved will be in the focus of the conference.
The conference will take place at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), lecture hall Diedersdorfer Weg 1, 12277 Berlin. Online participation will be made possible (hybrid event).
Dr Herbert Desel, BfR, Berlin
Introduction to the conference (German)Lovisa Östberg, Swedish Poisons Information Centre, Stockholm, Sweden
Product Notifications according to Article 45 CLP in SwedenDaniele Ape, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Helsinki, Finnland
Poison centre notifications - status and supportEsther Feistkorn, BfR, Berlin
Options for facilitated PCN notification in practice (e.g. ICGs, Standard formulas, disabling of sub-missions) (German)Dr Ronald Keipert, BfR, Berlin
Answers to questions to the BfR Helpdesk (FAQ) (German)Dr. Sebastian Pfeifer, BfR, Berlin
Role of validations rules for BfR’s reasoned requests for additional information related to submissions (German) -