30.05.2022: 4th Joint Symposium on Nanotechnology

4th Joint Symposium on Nanotechnology
The 4th Joint Symposium on Nanotechnology on 30th and 31st May 2022 is organised by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) together with the Fraunhofer Network Nanotechnology FNT.
You can find the presentations of this event further down this website.
Nanotechnology is used as a key technology in numerous areas. The consideration of opportunities and risks will also be the focus of the 4th symposium. During the two-day event, topics such as the use of nanotechnology in textiles and packaging, its application in agriculture, the introduction of nanomaterials into the body and future-oriented assessment approaches will be presented.
Presentations from 30.05.2022
Holger Sieg, BfR
Food Safety Research and Risk Assessment of Micro-, Submicro- and NanoparticlesPaul Miclea, Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP, Halle, Germany
Novel membrane filter cascade system for the selective analysis of nano and micro plastic particles from water and air
Yvonne Zimmermann, Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V., Greiz, Germany
Overview Lecture on our Current Developments in the Field of Surface Functionalisation
Heike Romanowski, BfR
Textile Funcionalization and its Effects on the Release of Silver Nanoparticles into Artificial Sweat
Katherina Siewert, BfR
Sensitizing properties of nanoparticlesMichael Giulbudagian, BfR
Life cycle of tattooing pigments in the human body
Gottfried Schmalz, Polyclinic for Dental Preservation and Periodontology, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany
Nanoparticles in dental materialsPresentations from 31.05.2022
Nazende Günday-Türeli, Head of R&D Pharma, MyBiotech GmbH, Überherrn, Germany
Preparation of nanoparticulate drug carrieres
Rico Ledwith, BfR
Establishing an in vitro fiber toxicity test strategy to support risk assessment and facilitate groupingFrank Bierkandt, BfR
3D printing – evaluating particle emissions of a 3D printing pen
Ajay Vikram Singh, BfR
Sustainable Agriculture through Multidisciplinary Seed Nanopriming: Prospects of Opportunities and Challenges
Michael Jank, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB, Erlangen, Germany
Printed Ion-Selective Sensors for Precision Agriculture
Florian Schröper, Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Aachen, Germany
Nanotechnological detectors for mycotoxins in cereals
Julia Steinhoff-Wagner, BfR
Detection of particulate bullet residues in wild
Stefan Schießl, Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV, Freising, Germany
New nano-functional coatings for shrink films
Leonard John, BfR
Update on nanomaterials in food contact materials -