09.10.2023: Bf3R Seminar with Professor Michael Sigal: Increasing complexity to model tissues ex vivo- assembloids to study colon tissue organization

Bf3R Seminar with Professor Michael Sigal: Increasing complexity to model tissues ex vivo- assembloids to study colon tissue organization
Bf3R seminar with Professor Michael Sigal, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
The Bf3R seminars address issues related to the use of animal experiments and alternative methods in basic research and toxicology, as well as the 3Rs. They include a lecture of approx. 30 – 60 min, followed by a discussion.
The cellular organization of gastrointestinal crypts is orchestrated by different cells of the stromal niche but available in vitro models fail to fully recapitulate the interplay between epithelium and stroma. We have recently established a colon assembloid system comprising the epithelium and diverse stromal cell subtypes. These assembloids recapitulate the development of mature crypts resembling in vivo cellular diversity and organization, including maintenance of a stem/progenitor cell compartment in the base and their maturation into secretory/absorptive cell types. This process is supported by self-organizing stromal cells around the crypts that resemble in vivo organization, with cell types that support stem cell turnover adjacent to the stem cell compartment. Our model, that now is being further refined to incorporate additional cellular compartments, such as microbiota or immune cells, has a great potential for unravelling new principles of cellular communication, tissue organization and application in biomedical reseach.
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