14.03.2023: International Conference on GMO Analysis and New Genomic Techniques

14. – 16.03.2023

International Conference on GMO Analysis and New Genomic Techniques

The state of the art of scientific and technical aspects of GMO analysis has significantly evolved during the last decade. This includes not only developments such as Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and digital PCR, but also challenges that derive from the application of New Genomic Techniques. In the spirit of the ‘1st Global Conference on GMO Analysis’ held in 2008 in Italy , these new trends and developments call for an update of scientific exchange within the international community of GMO detection.

In this context, we are pleased to announce the organisation of the ‘International Conference on GMO Analysis and New Genomic Techniques’ in March 2023.

The presentations and livestream recordings can be found further down on this website.


The conference will promote broad technical and scientific exchange between scientists worldwide on the status and challenges for traceability, detection and identification of GMOs, with an emphasis on the fast evolving DNA-based detection methods.

The conference will also contribute to capacity building for experts and laboratories involved in the detection and identification of GMOs and serves as platform of networking among regions as well as at global level.


Session 1 – Detection and identification of “classical” GMO and NGT products - Status and challenges
Session 2 – Detection of NGT products - Analytical methods
Session 3 – Requirements for the Identification of NGT products
Session 4 – Detection of “classical” GMOs - Analytical methods
Session 5 – Regional networks: experiences gained in various regions
Session 6 – Global information sharing
Session 7 – Alternative approaches for GMO traceability

Panel discussion – Future needs detection / identification / harmonisation / capacity building

You can find the detailed programme here.

Presentations from 14.03.2023