28.04.2022: 22nd BfR Consumer Protection Forum "Opportunities and risks of the e-cigarette"

22nd BfR Consumer Protection Forum "Opportunities and risks of the e-cigarette"
The 22nd BfR Consumer Protection Forum "Opportunities and Risks of E-cigarettes" will take place on 28-29 April 2022 in lecture hall of the BfR in Berlin. At the event, the current state of knowledge on the use of e-cigarettes will be presented and discussed.
You will find the presentations livestream recordings (please choose english subtitles) on our German website.
E-cigarettes have been marketed as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes for over 10 years. However, the vast majority of the population is critical of e-cigarettes. This was the result of a representative survey commissioned by the BfR in December 2019. The health risks posed by smoking tobacco cigarettes have been proven in numerous studies since the 1960s, and today we know that cigarette smoking is the main cause of avoidable deaths and numerous diseases. The manufacturers of e-cigarettes show that the content of harmful substances in the emissions is significantly lower compared to tobacco cigarettes. However, the use of e-cigarettes still poses a considerable health risk. Based on previous data, it is at the moment assumed that with optimal device settings and liquid formulations, the health risk is lower than with tobacco cigarettes. Nevertheless, long-term data are lacking.
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Lecture Hall
Diedersdorfer Weg 1
12277 Berlin
Directions -