19.02.2020: 10th Berlin Workshop on Developmental Toxicology

10th Berlin Workshop on Developmental Toxicology
25 years after the first Berlin Workshop on Developmental Toxicity we are organising the 10th Berlin workshop on Developmental Toxicology.
The presentation slides as well as livestream recordings can be found at the bottom of this page.
The “10th Berlin Workshop on Developmental Toxicology” is aimed to bring together international experts from authorities, research institutions, universities and industry to discuss the final update of the DevTox database, to consider specific aspects in regulatory risk assessment of developmental neurotoxicity and to debate alternative strategies in testing developmental effects in the future with the main goal to improve harmonisation in the worldwide assessment of developmental findings and laboratory investigations.
The topics are grouped in three different main panels. Results of the discussions will be published by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR):- The DevTox-Project
- Risk Assessment – Developmental Neurotoxicity
- Future Methodology in DevTox
The 10th Berlin Workshop (BW) is a continuation of a series of Berlin Workshops. At the last BW 2018, the need for a harmonised terminology for classification
of anomalies in laboratory animals in developmental toxicity studies aiming for human health risk assessment was emphasised and the DevTox database was
identified as an extremely valuable tool. It was also agreed that still one of the biggest challenges for testing developmental toxicity in the 21st century is the development of animal-free test strategies and alternatives to animal testing that could provide information relevant for humans in a rapid, efficient, and mechanistically informative manner.
Presentations and main results of the 10th Workshop will be published on the BfR Website. A report of the workshop will be published in a peer reviewed journal.Presentation slides from 19.02.2020
Roland Solecki, BfR
Key note lecture: 10th Berlin-Workshop on Developmental ToxicologyKonstanze Grote and Ibrahim Chahoud, Charité Berlin
Key note lecture: where we were and where we are nowRupert Kellner, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM), Hannover
Key note lecture: 25 years DevTox Workshops: historic background, scientific and technical improvementsJochen Buschmann, Idependent Consultant, Hannover
Follow up activities of the Berlin Workshop with the JTS and ETSWeihua Li, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, Shanghai, China
New Pictures in the DevTox DatabaseMichio Fujiwara, Astellas Pharma Inc., Tokyo, Japan
Japanese proposal for update of definitions and re-categorization of grey zone anomaliesAlberto Mantovani, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
View of a developmental toxicologist from the EUFrancisco Paumgartten, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Berlin Workshop view on a new survey for recategorisation of grey zone anomaliesMagda Sachana, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
OECD framework for a DNT testing Battery and Case studiesMarcel Leist, Universität Konstanz
Linking test systems to the prediction of DNTAnna Bal-Price, European Commission
Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs)-driven evaluation of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) induced by mixture of environmental chemicalsPresentation slides from 20.02.2020
Makiko Kuwagata, National Institute of Health Sciences, Kawasaki, Japan
Research on the mechanism of thoracolumbar supernumerary rib by use of computed tomography (CT) -